10 tips for managing stress

Are you getting worn down by the day to day tasks that you have to do? Have you been assigned to a new job lately and is currently finding it too stressful? You will need some de-stressing tips to help you adjust better to your situation. Stress is a normal occurrence and it happens to anyone. The best way to deal with stress is not avoidance but good coping skills. Here are a few tips on how you can best cope with daily stress.

10 advices to reduce stress in life

  1. Keep organized. You wouldn’t have to spend a lot of time going through stuff the hard way if everything is where it should be. It would be more convenient for you to move around when your space is well organized. You wouldn’t have to do a lot of cleaning up if you always clean as you go. A tidy environment lessens stress so it is good practice to keep everything in place.
  2. Plan your schedule. Sit down and really think of how much time should be allotted to a certain task. Go easy on yourself and don’t spend too much time on something that will not bring many results. You will need to manage your time well so that your overall productivity and well being will improve. You don’t have to be hard on yourself and this is one of the ways to avoid being overwhelmed by any single task that might affect you in doing other tasks that need to get done.
  3. Exercise. Yes, this is a very clichéd advice but it really works because exercising helps your brain to release endorphins that will generally improve your mood. You will be able to deal with annoyances better and be more tolerant of stressful events if your body is conditioned well. You can reduce the intensity of a stressful situation by being in good shape.
  4. Be realistic in your goals and plan of action. Nothing could be more stressful than frustration born out of not achieving anything that you set yourself out to do. Take a step back and evaluate your goals and how you plan to achieve them. Are these realistic within the frame of time you have? What would be good backup plans in case things don’t go according to plan? What can you anticipate out of the situation? Being prepared and practical will save you from many disappointments.
  5. Take some time off. When you’re stuck on something, it’s not a good idea to keep at it until you give up. Taking a step back by going on a quick break to take a nap, sip some coffee or something else will help you freshen up and be able to approach things from a new perspective. You may even be able to find inspiration or a new idea that could help you finish the task. Most known inventors have drawn answers from their dreams or in the least expected places. Our mind has a way of passively seeking out answers so just be patient and an idea will just hit you.
  6. Reward yourself for your progress. Another way to stick around for the long haul when things are tough is to reward yourself every now and then for your successes. It revitalizes you and makes you feel better about your job. Treat yourself to a relaxing massage or a fun night out with friends so you can unwind and be ready for that next round of tasks at work. Always remind yourself that you are valuable.
  7. Keep yourself preoccupied with things you enjoy. Set some time for hobbies and recreation. You need to stay involved in fun and productive activities that will make you generally happier. This will help in keeping your mood up. You’ll be able to deal with stressful situations better when you can recharge or retreat to somewhere or indulge yourself for a few hours in things you truly enjoy doing.
  8. Eat well. A healthy diet means better health and being in good shape definitely helps improve your mood. It will not render you impervious to stress but you wouldn’t be more vulnerable to stress due to poor eating habits. When your schedule does not permit you to enjoy lunch for a full hour, plan your meals well instead of skipping them. You can take more meals in smaller portions throughout the day rather than one big meal. You need to check your hunger level as starving yourself will definitely disturb the balance in your blood sugar levels. This can be very distracting as you will feel some dizziness or lack of energy.
  9. Have some quiet time. You will need some time alone to decompress from the noise or stimuli around you at work. Meditating or tuning things out at a preferred quiet spot would be very helpful in clearing your mind and reinvigorating you. You can join a meditation group or do it yourself at home. You will need some time alone so as to feel free from the demands of the day for a while and recharge. It is highly stressful to feel helpless in a situation that demands so much and you should balance it by having time to focus on yourself and treat yourself better.
  10. Minimize exposure to the source of your stress. If it can’t really be avoided, surround yourself with things that can be relieving so as to balance the atmosphere around you.

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